Certifications 101
What are the different certifications and do I qualify?
Service Description
Have you never heard anything about the different CERTIFICATIONS and what they may mean for YOUR Business? We discuss the multi-faceted world of Certifications and provide more than an overview. We go over the Application Process and Eligibility Requirements in depth. You will leave this session feeling like an Expert and knowing exactly what your business would like to pursue and why! There may be Certifications at your Local Level such as the MBE/WBE Joint Council for the City of Buffalo and Erie County. There are also Federal Certifications that you may be eligible for such as the SBA 8(A) Certification, WOSB, EDWOSB, HubZone, SDVOSB, VOSB. At the State level there are the MBE and WBE Certifications along with the joint certification of MWBE. All of these certifications assist your business with access to Contracts, Funding and Trainings that would not otherwise be available to these groups. There is specific criteria that must be met to obtain each of these certifications. You may be eligible for one Certification and then not be eligible for another. This can be a very tricky and confusing process and that is where we step in. We explain in depth, what each certification is and what it entails. Every business may not want to go the certification route and that is fine, but you should know what is available to you. Time is of the essence and knowledge is power. Become more familiar with what's available to you with this service. If you decide that you'd like to pursue any of the Certifications above, this cost will be deducted from the price of obtaining your Certification. There will be no refunds for missed appointments. Cancellations will need be made within (48 hours) of your schedule appointment. The outcome of this service is you will leave ready to take on the certification process on your own or you decide to hire MWBE to proceed with submitting the application on your behalf.